Phrases that you should never say to a person on a diet

When someone close to you loses weight, you need to be extremely careful in the choice of words because his or her nerves are on edge. You want to make a compliment, and people would be offended and react negative so you will be the cause of his failure, in his view and at the same time the enemy number one. About that, what phrases should be avoided, says nutritionist Paige Smathers. If you are not faced with such a problem as obesity, diet and endless irritation from malnutrition, you do not understand the subject. It may not be obvious for friends, but compliments about the lost pounds, tips on how to lose weight, and generally talk about the exterior can harm the process of losing weight, and your friendship. Of course, there are exceptions: some like to receive comments on their progress in losing weight. But, most of all, they show off their success first. Check out our free web cam chat rooms.

Here are four phrases that are not worth talking to someone who is losing weight.

How many weight you are going to lose?

You may think that your friend must be happy with what he has already achieved. But everyone has their own ideals. Recent weight, separating from his goal, always reset the hardest. Especially refrain from comments like: "You already look just fine!" It is impolite.

Maybe you should not eat this?

Food that is high on fat or sugar, of course, not the best choice. But those who lose weight sometimes allow themselves to something forbidden, to sustain a diet. It is clear that you wish them only the best. But your remark will only increase anxiety and cause a sense of guilt for what was to be the reward. Do not criticize someone else's choice of products. Free singles video chat is amazing place to find your second half!

You look much better than before!

To hold on hard, but this phrase is not worth it. Do not compare the look before and after. Your friend also has eyes and a mirror, and he was aware of the difference. If he wants to hear your opinion - he would ask. After the diet the weight comes back. Usually this is followed by tips for a healthy lifestyle, exercise, or goes to a psychologist. To keep the weight really is not easy. But let your friend choose the strategy. Check out this amazing free dating video chat! 

 Don’t you believe in your friend?

 Even if it is a joke – don’t even try to say something like that! “Wow, cool look!” At first glance, a harmless compliment can easily be interpreted in a negative way. It is unlikely that you will want to wriggle out of answering the question whether a person look bad before. You might be surprised by this, but not every dieter puts its appearance above personal qualities.




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