Web romance in psychology

The people with which we enter into a mutual pleasant communication, and there is what I call home to. Author - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

 The attractive online communication pitfalls of web relationships, whether or not to rely on the seriousness of cyber dating, what can help and how capable hurt online communication, how to behave, to virtual communication has brought only joy? That is what should be discussed in this article is written on the basis of numerous studies especially cyber relationships and the new concept of interpersonal communication. Consider first of all the positive aspects of the cyber dating and the relationships, and their more than it may seem at first look. This subject could be quiet interesting for those, who are interested in such relationship and want learn a little bit more about it. We hope that this article will help you with such modern behavior that is literally flooded life of many people nowadays.

Advantages of web relationships:

  1. Voluntary contacts and relations. Webcam chat rooms – is a good example.
  2. The possibility to interrupt the communication at any time.
  3. Virtual communication errors easier to correct, especially until they are moving into a relationship in real life.
  4. Over a wide range of communication - the ability to find a companion for the souls or partner to build a serious relationship. This is what is not close to the real world or starts communicating with them difficult.
  5. There are no chances of virtual pregnancy and exclude the possibility of any sort of contracting an STD’s.
  6. The chance of realization of the personal qualities, playing any kind of roles, experience the emotions, for one reason or another frustrated in the real life.
  7. The Self-discoursing and develop their strengths in virtual communication.
  8. Work with the communication skills, a lot of confidence in you as a whole person.
  9. And other.

Here we also have some negative aspects of web dating and virtual relationships, and they cannot fail to mention.

Cons of the virtual relationships:

  1. In the case of communication for the sake of communication at the expense of the communication in the real life.
  2. There is no non-verbal communication such as actual gestures, an intonation, etc., thus, impoverishes communication and gives the rise to misread of the interlocutor, devalued or underestimated.
  3. The ability to meet with exactors is breaking the trust in order to further monetary benefits.
  4. Such web relationships have increased comparing with the actual social contacts with some kind of emotional excitement.

Often, the virtual affair is a surface of the extreme excitement, bordering on the euphoria. Web affair develops very quickly and something that in reality takes a few months laid in the days of the Internet. However, these stories end with a big fleeting. No dating in real life, the web romance rarely lasts more than six months.

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