4 types of men with whom you can be in relationships

There are different men; millions of them, but a chance to be in your bed is certain types of men who attract you for a variety of reasons. Whether they will do the trick? Who knows, but the chances they have for sure.

This one lover

Such a man is distinguished by vivid emotions. If you liked it, then he will not consider it necessary to hide your feelings. You will be constantly confronted with it; he will provide you with attentions. Lover captivates with its meaningful smiles and words, which are not essential meaning and expression with which they are uttered. He notices the most subtle little things that you touch, and turns them into compliments. His every action involves his emotion. He knows how to make a weekday extraordinary and memorable, but not expensive surprises, and the ability to see beauty in the most standard things and show it to you. With the lover is good only at the early stages of relationships, when his emotion brings joy when you have not won, and it tends to make you his, but when the lover knows that you are in his power, all changes dramatically. Now his emotion begins to overwhelm you, it becomes more and more fixated on him and starts to manipulate you. Now it’s your feelings do not care, because the goal is achieved, you were with him in bed.


Aesthete takes your mind, not emotions. With him I want to talk all the time, and he skillfully leads the conversation by revealing those aspects of his personality that wants to show. He knows what buttons you need to press so you have expressed certain emotions. Esthete usually prefers two strategies. Using the first, he is trying to get you out of yourself. He sees in you what you thought only you know, and no one else can guess it. Twisting the truth out, esthetician bare your soul and you become helpless in front of him. At such moments, he takes you to "bare hands". Using the second strategy, he skillfully flattered you said something that you enjoy. His specialty is the development of individual strategies. He will pick up to you the key, using flattery, self-pity, the scandal, the revelation. Something definitely works. With an esthete pleasure to talk to, that's why you do not want to go to bed with him. This is its main problem. However good he may be, but a woman always thinks a few times before you break this spiritual connection to carnal pleasures.


This type of man is good because it combines the two types described above. With it, you will experience and emotions and can talk about the sublime. However, it is precisely this ambiguity scares its fans. For example, some expect him interesting talks in free online chat rooms, mentoring, sermons, and he goes down to the lowland sexual needs. So many are disappointed.


A fan you simply adore. You are the true deity who descended on earth for him. He looks you in the mouth and ready to fulfill any wish fans of several common problems. Firstly, after the lady deigns to sleep with them, they may lose interest in it. After all, they prayed to god and goddess, if it was such, would never have allowed touching his body, and if allowed, secondly it is not a goddess at all.



Wanna talk? Choose the girl!