Empathy and communication via webcam chat

Under the exchange of emotions it meant that you and your partner consciously or unconsciously influence the emotional state of each other. To do this, of course, first of all it is necessary to represent the feelings prevail in you now. And in the power of any emotion is your partner. And both do best in people with high emotional intelligence, which, unlike ordinary intelligence can develop and improve, it would wish.

Be honest with yourself

 So, you are honest with yourself and understand what emotions are you now prevail, why these emotions as they are desirable, would you want to "change" them to other, etc. And also to understand the emotions of another person, even better if you understand why they occur and what to say or do to change the emotional state of the interlocutor. Most often, it should be informed that you are aware of the state of the interlocutor, unless such a remark would not be a burden to him.

This observation helps a person to open up and gives the feeling of being understood.

The most important thing for successful interaction with other people - is the ability to see the world through their eyes. You must be willing to put aside its estimates and judgments, as well as its own picture of the world. Only then will you be able to see another person. In psychology this is called empathy. Empathy is not sympathy, in the first case, you understand the feelings of another, and in the second, you feel the same way that he did.


Also, the disclosure of another person's emotions helps a sincere and open expression of your feelings you. But again, only if it will not touch the interlocutor. For example, your friend offers to go with him to the World Cup, because his girlfriend was ill and could not go. Clearly, joyfully declares: "What a good thing that she was ill!» I think, not worth it.



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