Psychology of communication: to approach and convince. Part I.

The main formula for success is knowledge of how to treat people. Theodore Roosevelt

As you may have guessed, we will focus on techniques and methods that cause unconscious sympathy, trust the interlocutor, as a result of which you can convince the person on your right, persuaded to your point of view, get to say "yes." In the first part of this article we will examine how to approach, find the key to another person.

Communication between people begins with the communication of their eyes.

Look - this is the first step on the road to the other party. Public opinion helps to convey to the interlocutor the meaning of your words, and to follow his reaction. If we avoid this view - that it gives rise to serious mistrust, antipathy on the part of partners in communication. It seems fair to say is not always correct, that person conceals or keeps back a piece of information...

Your body is the temple

The movement of your body, posture, gestures says a lot about you, and sometimes even what you cannot express in words. When you are calm and friendly, you pass the interlocutor a sense of wellbeing. He crossed his arms, crossed legs in the standing position, the exposed jaw forward, tense posture without words talking about your negative attitude to the interlocutor or situation, and hinders communication, understanding, obtaining his consent.


On the openness to the other person talks: natural straight back, turn the body in his direction, deployed toward the interlocutor hand, a friendly smile, unbuttoned outerwear, approving nods his head, a keen interest in the conversation, reducing the gap with the other person, touching his arm - if the person I do not mind and begins to pull away.



Wanna talk? Choose the girl!