How to find love on the Internet?

Employed women have long discovered a great way to find men - on the Internet, on special dating sites. It would obviously seem - what could be easier? Post your profile and receive hundreds of letters from men who want to take you out on a date. However, it is not so simple. To online dating has become successful, you need to follow certain rules …

Of course, Internet dating is not ideal to establish relations with a man. But for those who have not too much time to get acquainted "accidentally" - exhibitions, theaters and other decent places - the best, and sometimes - and the only possible. Besides, Internet dating has its advantages.

For example:

- You have the opportunity to explore the profiles of applicants in the comfort of your home (or even during working hours) and "reject" those who you certainly will not do.

- You cannot get up from the computer, communicate with you like men - single chat room or ICQ, and understand - the same whether your views and interests. It also saves time and nerves.

Thus, the Internet dating service - a amazing chance to find the man for you, so it is important not to miss it and do not make mistakes.

Consider the most common ones.

1. Excessive insistence. Although this is often accused men, women too often sin of excessive persistence. This is especially characteristic of emancipated ladies, who do not want to waste time on non-important conversations and want to quickly see the interlocutor "live". Therefore, they insist on the immediate meeting, which may scare off a man. Especially when it came to dating is not to find sex partner for one night, but in way to get acquainted with the girl of his sweet dreams. In this case, your excessive persistence can scare him.

To avoid this error, remind yourself - no need to hurry. If this is "your" man, you still have time to have pleasure with the personal contact, and if "not yours" - that it is smarter to find a joint exit to the real world.

2. "Rose-colored glasses." Internet dating are dangerous because women (especially those who like to dream and fantasize) may begin to idealize the stranger, giving him the qualities that he really is not. The result is often a frustrating experience - bitter disappointment when they met, and even depression. And the longer lasted chat on the free singles chat, the patient may be at real acquaintance.

How can I avoid this error? Try to ignore the most emotion. Think only the information - written in the form of men, or tell you when talking in chat or ICQ, - not "thinking the" nothing. So you gradually developed a more objective picture (of course, provided that the man told you the truth).



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