How to protect yourself: techniques of special services

People usually underestimate the environment. They are not prepared for the dangers and do not know how to behave when something goes wrong. This makes them easy prey to criminals and emergencies. The author is a former CIA agent Jason Hanson is convinced: if people were more attentive and prepared, it would be able to avoid most of the problems. It is in a constant assessment of the situation and in knowing how to respond to threats, is the guarantee of health and safety. Need new friend? You can find him with teen video chat rooms!

How to act correctly?

Despite the fact that the book is "Protect yourself according to the procedures of special services" is primarily a practical guide, there are a few key ideas that it is important to know everyone.

Learn to survive

The logic of survival - this is what helps us to find a way out of the most difficult and dangerous situations. This inner confidence is based on the ability to apply your knowledge in practice. In case of fire, people often do not die from the fire and the smoke. That is the logic of survival helps us know in advance about emergency exits and emergency procedures. It makes us move in the right direction, not sit still. It helps to be guided by reason, and not to build a hero, showing someone their "coolness." Tired of boys? Take a seat in chat rooms for girls.

Remember the importance of situational awareness

Without situational awareness does not help any training and skills. Situational awareness - this is the correct understanding of any situation in which you are. If you are attentive to the environment around you when going, buried in a smartphone or lost in your thoughts when you are absorbed in conversation and did not notice anything around, you are very vulnerable. Jason Hanson says that convicted shown photographs of different people and asked who they would choose as a victim. And criminals are indicated for people with drooping shoulders and his head they looked inattentive and insecure. If you need something really special – try our anime roleplay chat room.

  • A very important idea of ​​the book: it is often we ourselves create the conditions for the attack, becoming an ideal target for a criminal.
  • Of course, the point is not to constantly look around nervously. You can to talk to someone, but we must be vigilant. Then you'll notice something strange or potentially dangerous.
  • Council. Rate yourself by: Is there something that can make you an easy target for criminals? If so, consider how you can improve their situational awareness and stop to look the victim.



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