How virtual affair affects the nature of the character

Intimate communication over the dating chat rooms helps people to get rid of many complexes. Psychologists say that it's not only the benefit of virtual novels.

To the virtual sex relations in society is ambiguous. Many believe that it is only important for people with not very healthy tastes. By the way, its prevalence is very high, and among those who enjoy with virtual sex, lots of ordinary and remarkable people. Of course, experts say, virtual sex - is a kind of a psychological cover for the people. It is really possible to attribute (and credited!) traits, which in reality is not. But, as it turns out, is inventing itself, can have a large positive effect on human psychology. Writing your virtual image, virtual sex fans start to believe in their sexual attractiveness, their self-esteem grows significantly. In turn sexologists indicate that the virtual sex can significantly improve the quality of sex life. Do man and woman an opportunity to learn something about each other as much as possible, you could ask candid questions about what it is like to partner. But psychologists warn that in such a dialogue emotions are often insincere. And it is dangerous; sometimes amateur’s virtual sex spread their creativity on the online dating chat sites. Therefore, engaging in virtual sex, remember that it is not really important to tell all about his juicy details.

The part of nowadays lifestyle

For some, it becomes a lifestyle for someone - a pleasant diversion, discharge, clearing of accumulated sexual energy, for many - as a textbook, for others - an escape from loneliness. But ultimately, virtual sex - it's like love alone, love for the ideal, not real partners. Of course, there are couples who are friends in real life after a virtual dating. But it is rather different case. Just before it was decided to meet folks on the street or in the reading room, but now people use the web only for this purpose. Also, from this point of view we could only welcome such a way to meet and communicate.

What about sex?

But we must not replace real sex virtual. It's like the world of fantasy and illusion. Virtual sex - sex is generally immaterial. Naturally, there is masturbation, but its sex with your own. But in the real world has its own, the real laws of attraction people. In real life it is very necessary to feel soft or hard hair of your partner to smell his body, to see how he used to sleep - up or stretched to his full height, which prefers breakfast.



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