Men looking for love on the Internet

British researchers conducted a survey, which found that only 15% of men believe that women should be familiar with without the help of the Internet.

Missed the days when the nice man could come to you in a bar or at a concert and invite for a cup of coffee? Unfortunately, the chances that these times will return are melting eyes. Men do not rush to tighten, because much easier to get acquainted with a woman on a dating chat  is even going out of the apartment is not necessary.

  • 84% of men say that they agree to meet with a girl, live, virtual communication if they are interested.
  • Also during the third of the survey respondents said they would like to find a soul mate online.

More and more single men and women prefer to spend the evening in the company of their computer. They study of the profiles of the opposite sex, watching photos, communicate. But most importantly, they can make some virtual novels simultaneously.

The results are surprising!

And yet such an option dating helps many people to meet (even with gamer chat sites!). After all, some men and women would never have dared to strike up an acquaintance live. The authors of the survey do not condemn craze dating sites, but on the contrary, encouraged such communication. The main thing is that the virtual lovers have the courage to meet face to face with other people.

If you really want to find a soul mate in the global network, fill in the questionnaire honestly, do not use other people's photos and do not make yourself a certain way. People, who originally honestly talk about their desires and expectations, have a greater chance of success.


Once love is in the distance was considered fleeting fun, something frivolous and unrealistic. But this time it may well compete with a real relationship. Its main positive point is that people love, at a distance, cannot have sex through the network, they can only communicate, and this can be time consuming whim. Communication by correspondence or via webcam helps people get to know each other so well, they would not know each other as close - in fact a lot to write much easier than say in person.



Wanna talk? Choose the girl!