Methods of influence in communication in webcam chat

How often do we have to be provided in a situation where the behavior of the interlocutor exasperated and we spend so many nerves, trying to influence him to change his behavior or attitude (learn more about subject with our webcam chat chat4 blog)? And once again bumping into a wall of resistance is in despair from impossibility to somehow influence what is happening. Relax, there is a way, you're not just out there looking.

Rule №1.

Stop doing what does not help. And what to do, I am not prepared to put up with this situation, you might say. No, no one offers to give up and humbly tolerate what you do not like. But continuing to insist on a futile attempt to convince or change the behavior of the interlocutor, you tend to either exacerbate the situation or become tiring background noise such as engine running.

Rule "water wears away the stone".

In this case may not work in your favor - your partner will avoid communicating with you, but will not change their behavior. If you are striving for is this - it means you are on the right track. So, next time you want to do the same thing that they have done before, and for the most part unsuccessfully, to stop and do something else, something that had never done before. Let your behavior be a surprise. Let me explain why this should be done. People make a habit. We are not often reflecting on their actions and often every day do the same thing. Move on autopilot tempting because habitual reactions economical require minimal costs. On the other hand, constantly realizing their intentions can be like Pavlov's dogs, which each time salivate at a certain sound associated with food.



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