Psychology and virtual relationships, how it works?

Here we are, at free adult web cam blog are going to look at virtual relationship through the prism of the psychology. For those, who have or had the distant relationships, where the only communication possible was via the internet, this article could be quiet interesting, and if their relationships are ended – maybe this article will help to understand, why it happens and where the trouble is placed exactly. For those, who have such relationships and everything is well – we hope that this article would help to save your relationships with your partner and replace them from the internet into the real life, because it is the modern way of communication with its modern pros and cons..  With the conscious pull, the action and positively deliberated life experience of a person could give up the victim position, to change its attitude to the world, people and the person. NLP Regulation (Neuro Linguistic Programming) for effective communication is both in cyber and in real life, enriching our lives:

  1. The meaning of the communication lies in interlocutor’s response.
  2. Behavior is not the person himself.
  3. Behavior changes in according to the context (the conditions of relationship).
  4. The non-verbal language (body language, the intonation, etc. - which, is not able in the virtual relationships) - the        true source of the important information.
  5. The more choices we have, the more freedom we gain;
  6. Every person decides and makes the best what he can do.
  7.  Every activity has positive intentions and therefore useful and meaningful.
  8. Look at the failure as on a feedback.
  9. Everyone has enough resources to start changing.
  10. Anything possible in this world is possible for me either. The purpose of web relationships should be the development of your own communication skills for improvement of the quality and relationship satisfaction in real life.

Thus, any online chat rooms at some point could have the reinforcement in the form of actual relationships - at least on Skype, for example, even if you do it only time by time, otherwise, you can miss the great chance of socializing in a fictive way invented by a man. Virtual communication should serve to strengthen or build a new relationship in the real world, not the destruction, of chasing the chimera. First of all, it concerns communication "man-woman". At the same time, the virtual companionship is built on common interests, values, and worldview can continue without reinforcements socializing in the real world for the very long period of time and contribute to the development of the personality of both communicating parties. I repeat once again that this communication should not be a detriment to communicate in real life.

The virtual communication than ever important rule: the less you expect from the interlocutor, rather than fewer demands are made, the greater the chance not to be disappointed and get a positive experience and positive emotions of love, communication, and online relationships.



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