How to chat with sneaky person?

What we have?

Sometimes, in this type of behavior can deliberately resorted people with manipulative purposes. In many cases, these kinds of behaviors are not more than a "mask" that hides the wounds and traumas of man, a kind of protective behavior (read more in our chat4 blog!). You can take the following countermeasures to preserve their peace of mind and do not forget to set. In a conversation with the nihilist, firmly rejecting your proposals, it is advisable to discuss and justify the contentious issues, if they are known before the beginning of the main part of the conversation.

All you need to stay cool and strive to maintain the necessary level of competence.

Ensure that, where possible, solutions formulated words Nihilist. Try to find out the true reasons for his nihilism, talking with him face to face, in a confidential atmosphere. In very complicated cases - to insist that the conversation was suspended, and continue it later, when the "head cool." In an interview with nerdy, slaughter you with their knowledge, should be from time to time to remind you that others also want to speak out.

And finally…

Give him a chance withdraw and formulate interim conclusions. In the controversial statement calling on other members talk to express their point of view. Sometimes asking him is challenging specific questions that, if necessary, can answer those who take part in the conversation. "Talkative" companion, who takes the initiative themselves, should be the maximum tact to stop and ask what he sees the relationship with the subject under discussion. Learn from other participants in the conversation, if necessary, limit the time the entire conversation. Ensure that it is not turned the problem "on its head" Only then, to look at them from a new angle. In a conversation with the "impregnable" interlocutor should try to interest him in the subject of discussion, ask, for example: "It seems you do not fully agree with what was said? It is interesting to find out the reason. 



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