The virtual love. Do I need a virtual relationship?

We can assure you, ladies and gentlemen; that virtual love, like virtual sex, and all the other virtual relationships - relationships online, did not arise with the advent of computers and the Internet, and have always existed. Moreover, you can’t even image the scale of the internet. IMAGINATION. That's where all of our numerous "Virtual sex" is. Such conception of romantic relationships is quiet new for society and it is quite difficult to tell – is it good or is it bad. For conservative people such phenomenon is a weird curse, for people, who likes the innovations – it could be the only way of communication, and it has its own pros and cons. You can read more with our chat room online roulette blog!

Virtual love is an imaginary love

It’s much more than real. Moreover - this is the main form of its existence. She lives there, in the imagination, even, is not always going outside, in the real. Sometimes, a virtual love and does not want to go to the real: that is something vulgar, rude, and so on. And yet, in my opinion, virtual love, without real-lavas, it is - something type of spiritual masturbation, if the deal with it, to feel it, to implement it only in the imagination. That's how our inner world: created in our minds based on the sensory and rational information received from the outside, it gets kind of autonomy existence. If this autonomy for one reason or another gets or seek sovereignty from the outside world, then good is not expected: a person expects or mental disorders or expressed opposition to others in the form of "he (she) is not of this world." After all, what we do in life: head and share his mind a world of love, completely distorted, not corresponding to reality, images of himself and his chosen family life "in a communist", where everything is everywhere and around the world, and grace. Join our free chat rooms for singles, if you want to find someone.

When the virtual relationships do not correspond to people or that which is between them in reality?

And, then, when the reality will inevitably make a face on the Table, starting to scream: It's not my fault! It is so bad around the world. What do you think my virtual friends and opponents? Virtual love, virtual relationships, what is their place in our lives? As a general rule, the internet relationship continues until then, until the back side of relationships, the user does not start to "push": belittle his ego or allow him to realize his ambition - to show "how clever he is." And (or) to demonstrate itself through communication, that "I am, like all", and perhaps better. While this is done, at times, it is very flexible. It is quite difficult to say, is society nowadays ready to meet virtual relationships without repercussion and borders or not. It’s all very individual subject, and first of all, you should ask yourself: is it suits me? On one hand we have a great opportunity to train our social skills, which we can use in real life, on second hand it can be opposite situation, where you can lose your actual social skills and lose your actual contacts. 



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